Dick Lee


Call/Text • 617-580-5282 | Email • [email protected]

About Dick Lee

Dick Lee is a 29 year Real Estate Entrepreneur. He was the President & founder of Independent Mortgage and consulted with others. Dick is also a market leader with Lee Real Estate Group, where in the past 26 months he has helped agents make 3-4 times more income, by working smarter, not harder. Student, Coach, Mentor, Public Speaker. Dick specializes in helping Realtors increase their personal production & prosperity by using powerful lead generation tools. Dick has a passion for real estate and entrepreneurship but also understands the importance of giving back to his community. Leveraging his passions has helped him build successful real estate businesses. He continues to help clients achieve their real estate buying and selling goals. He thrives on mentoring; training and coaching real estate professionals realize their own successes.

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